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Shaoyng Nanshan Scenic Area in Chengbu County
2017-05-20 11:28:44  ENGHUNAN  

Nanshan scenic area in the southern part of Chengbu County occupies an area of 152 square kilometers in which the immense mountain is covered with grass. This area is called the Hulunbuir Grassland in the South. At present more than five scenic spots on Nanshan Mountain are open to visitors. The scenic area is a nature pasture, a sanatorium and a summer resort.

The annual mean temperature there is 11 degrees Centigrade. The scenic zone looks like a landscape painting with an immense grassland of more than 10,000 hectares, undulating green hills, verdant fields and white clouds in the blue sky.

The scenic zone consists of Nanshan Grassland, Double River Gorge, White Cloud Cave, Silver Fir Park, Changan Camp and Wutuan Miao Village. The six scenic spots, covering an area of 199 square kilometers, have been audited as provincial scenic zone. Within the Nanshan Scenic Zone, high mountains, tablelands and grasslands are primary sights. Due to the moderate climate and abundant rainfall, 48 level grounds and 48 streams are formed in continuous mountain. Nanshan Scenic Zone, integrating gorge, cliff, lava, fantastic rock, primeval vegetation, flying waterfall and flowing spring, artificial lake together, enjoys the laudatory title of “A Bright Pearl in Southern Land”.

Apart from its natural beauty, Nanshan Scenic Zone is also rich in ecological sport resources. Located in subtropical zone with warm climate and altitude of most land between 1600m to 1900m with moderate gradient, Nanshan, benefiting by this unique landform, is built as an ecological sport land which is suitable for various plateau trainings and sports competitions for athletes of different training level and age. In comparison with western plateau training base, Nanshan enjoys advantage of location, climate and environment. In recent 10 years, Nanashan Scenic Zone has fully taken advantage of these resources to develop more experienced ecological sports.

Transport: Take shuttle buses from Chengbu County to the scenic area

Admission (for reference): RMB 40 yuan /adult

Tel: (86)739-7315088

Keyword:Nanshan Scenic Area
