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Xiangtan Shaofeng Peak
2017-05-20 10:12:13  ENGHUNAN  

To the south of the Former Residence of Mao Zedong, Shaofeng Peak, with the height of 518.9 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in Shaoshan County and the 71st mountain of Nanyue. The main tourist attractions in the area include the Stele Forest of Chairman Mao's Poems, Shaofeng Temple, Liuchao Pine, Ancient Rouge Well, etc.

Under a clear and boundless sky, standing on Shaofeng Peak, we will take in general picture of Xiangtan, Xiangxiang, and Ninxiang at a glance.

Transport: K585 air conditioned trains go from Changsha railway station to Shaoshan County


Keyword:Shaofeng Peak
