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Zhangjiajie Old Yard
2016-12-21 11:14:45  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Zhangjiajie old yard is founded in the early years of Qing dynasty. Its architectural style is four damp down wall tujia architecture, an organic whole of tujia garden and tujia condole watchtower. It is a typical bi nazca (Tujia Nationality).

It is the most preserved old house which survived in Xiangxi and even the whole country. It is a living fossil of tujia architecture, known as “Tujia first curtilage”. Zhu Rongji, former premier of the state council, once studied here.

The old courtyard has a range collection, such as pottery and porcelain, ancient bed, bronze, silver, yarn, calligraphy and painting, which accounted for 14,370 pieces. Its value has amounted to 1 billion yuan.

Translated by Sophia

Keyword:Scenic spots & attractions
