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Zhangjiajie Glass Plank Road
2016-12-21 11:14:50  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Zhangjiajie Glass Plank Road lies in the west of Tianmen Moutain. Its overall length is 60 meters. The highest point of this bridge arrives about 1,430 meters. Glass Plank Road is seen as another masterpiece after Ghost Path, Glass deck and wooden bridge over the gorge.

Zhangjiajie Glass Plank Road can compare favorably with world-known glass corridor in American Grand Canyon. In fine days, the shadow of blue sky and white cloud overspread the whole Glass Plank Road, which can bring visitors a feeling of walking in the edge of cloud. In mist days, Glass Plank Roa is partly hidden and partly visible.

In order to insure the transparency and cleanness, all visitors are required to wear shoe covers when walking on Glass Plank Road.

Translated by Becky

Keyword:Scenic spots & attractions
