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Zhangjiajie Bottomless Gorge
2016-12-21 11:14:44  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

The bottomless gorge is also named Chuantian gutter. It ia a deep grand canyon between the three township baishi, xilian and rencao river. The deep valley, with timber forest on both sides, and no one involved in.

Zhangjiajie Bottomless gorge divides into three parts. Yellow lion river is in the upper river, which is a rift valley with three thousand meters from the earth’s surface. Middle part is Luoxiang gorge. The last section called Five miles stream, a five-mile ancient plank road connected white stone and Ren caoxi township. Whole valley is about hundred miles. It has birdsong, gibbon and waterfall. Cliff valley grows trees with old vines.

Translated by Sophia

Keyword:Scenic spots & attractions
