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Zhangjiajie City Flower-Dove Flower
2016-12-20 16:49:28  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Chinese dove tree(Davidia involucrata), A kind of deciduous tree, also a relic species of Quaternary glacier. It mainly spreads over Yaozi village, Tianzi Mountain, Tianmen Mountain, hillside or valleyof Pipa boundary.

Since 1869, Chinese dove tree has been introduced to England, America, Holland, Russia, Switzerland and many other countries.

What’s more, as a unique plant; dove tree can only be seen in China. Its flowering phase lasts from May to Jane. Surprisingly, the Inflorescence is just as round as a bird head, bract is pure white, like a wing. Looking at dove flower, you may feel it is about to fly, like a pigeon does. Imaging, when mountain breeze blows to those Chinese dove trees, as if thousands of pigeons spread its wings in the cage suddenly, the whole picture is more than I can describe.

Chinese dove tree is usually known as “living fossil of plantage” and “peace envoy”, national-level protected plant.

Translated by Becky

Keyword:Zhangjiajie City Flower
