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Hunan Tourism Establishes New Media Union
2017-08-01 16:19:00  ENGHUNAN  

The Hunan Tourism New Media Union was established in Changde on July 31. It was initiated by the Hunan Tourism Development Committee (HTDC) as a new way to promote tourism.

Its first training session has been held.

HTDC is inviting government tourism offices, universities, and tourist industry companies to join the union and work together to implement the China National Tourism Administration’s “Tourism Plus Internet” program which will improve communication among the relevant sector actors, and share and integrate tourism resources.

Hunan government will make fuller use of new products launched by new media platforms for both ‘online’ and ‘offline’ promotions, provide more convenient tourist information services, and improve Hunan’s overall tourism performance.

Translator: Xiao Juan

Keyword:Tourism Media Union
