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Xiangxi Liusha Waterfall
2016-12-21 11:06:21  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Located in the source of Xiangxi Jiulong Stream, Liusha Waterfall has a level difference of 216 meters, which makes its reputation as the highest waterfall in China.

Liusha Waterfall flies straight down from the cliff and scatters into quicksand shape then. Walking along Liusha Waterfall, you will get a sense of entering into a water curtain cave.

In wet season, surging running water flies down to deep pool from the cliff, grand and magnificent. In low water season, running water falls down from the cliff, which gives you the feeling of being touched by fine gauze when you get close to it. Looking up at Liusha Waterfall from the right side, it looks like falls down from the cloud.


In April and May, this is to say in Spring, Liusha Waterfall enjoys the maximum water yield. On the contrary, in August and September, Liusha Waterfall usually experiences dry season.

Translated by Becky

Keyword:Xiangxi Liusha Waterfall
