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Yangjiajie Air Corridor
2016-12-21 11:14:50  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

According to the description of the tour pals, the Air Corridor is one of the most eye-catching scenic spots in Yangjiajie, ZJJ. It is the most difficult path from Asking for the Moon to the. Vertical cliffs encircle us and only a plank road facing the cliff lies on our left hand. In fact, Air Corridor is a plank way carved over the cliffs, so when you walk on such passage, it will both excite and exhaust you!

Half-hour later, when we turned right, a open vision met our eyes and a fairyland emerged. Looking down from its viewing deck, we had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the National Forest Park with steep mountains, solitary stalagmite on the sides and the ghat splendidly coiling up terrace like a flying white ribbon.

Thus, I am completely conquered by this spectacle and stunned by the uncanny craftsmanship of nature!

By Brenda

Keyword:Scenic spots & attractions
