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1 Day Tour to Rafting in Maoyan river and Tujia Folk park 1D 0N $0.00

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1 Day Tour to Rafting in Maoyan river and Tujia Folk park
Rafting in Maoyan river and Tujia Folk Custom Park
+86 744 8362222  8298777
  • D1
    Rafting in Maoyan river and culture attraction in Tujia folk garden
    No accommodation      No meal
    In the morning Your guide meet you at hotel,2-hour Drive to Maoyan river from zhangjiajie city.If we suppose Golden Whip Stream is a gentle and tender lady, then, by sharp contrast, Maoyan River is a wild young girl with bare feet and unkempt hair. The water scenery in this place is of the most primitive and uncontrolled kind. Sometimes it flows placidly within a wild area; at other time, it advances wave upon wave, surging with great force. She is so vivacious, so natural, that we cant resist her attraction and the lure to possess her. Once you dance with the wave of the Maoyan River, you will be unable to forget this experience for the rest of you life. Not in the Three Gorges, however, the Maoyan River surpasses the beauty of the Three Gorges. To enjoy rafting along the Maoyan River is an experience you dont want to miss when you come to Zhangjiajie. In the afternoon we return to zhangjiajie city. With an area of over 5 hectares, Tujia Folk Custom Park is a large-scale cultural tourist attraction, which is mainly built on old basis to demonstrate Tujia peoples folk custom in various aspects such as architecture, food, agriculture, military art etc. Most of the buildings in Zhangjiajie Tujia Folk Custom Park are constructed with wood and stone with the characteristics of carved girder and painted columns, upturned eaves, especially the exquisite workmanship and ingenious construction are greatly acclaimed by the tourists,see off.
  • ×1 Day Tour to Rafting in Maoyan river and Tujia Folk park BOOK INFO
    Get Time:   * Travel menber: * Your Name: * Phone or Email: * Other info: 朱小姐 周小姐 朱先生    (+86) 0744-8362222 8298777
    預訂說明(Booking Note)
    • 在线邮箱(Online Email)
    • 在线服务(Online QQ):345395505 455415132
    • 在线微信(Online Wechat):ZJJonine; 13707445500
    • 在线交流(Online Skype):shuire2
    • 在线交流(Online Facebook)
    • 在线电话(Phone No):(+86) 744-8362222 8298777
    • 公司名称:湖南湘中旅国际旅行社有限公司(中华假期)
    • Company: Hunan-XZL-International Travel Service Co., Ltd
    Maoyanhe3 Maoyanhe4 Maoyanhe5 Maoyanhe7 Maoyanhe8 Folk Custom Park1 Folk Custom Park2 Mengdong river7
    Rafting in Maoyan river (Admission ¥168) Folk Custom Park (Admission ¥98) (7-8 hours throughout the trip to spend time)
    Contact us
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    線上郵箱(On-line Email)
    線上服務(On-line QQ):QQ345395505 455415132
    線上微信(On-line Wechat):ZJJONINE;
    線上瓦普(On-line WhatsApp):+86 18874433191 or +86 13787946183;
    線上交流(On-line Skype ):SHUIRE2
    線上交流(On-line Facebook):shuire@
    線上電話(Phone No):(+86) 0744-8362222 8298777
    Company:Zhangjiajie-XZL-International Travel Service Co., Ltd
    Address:Zhangjiajie City Gaoshengliyuan Building14-23B03