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Fenghuang Ximen Gorge Drifting
2016-12-21 11:06:21  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Ximen gorge is located in Jixin ancient town, Which is only 20 kilometers away from famous Chinese historic and cultural city Fenghuang County. Traffic there is really convenient since it is near to 209 National Road.

The whole length of Ximen gorge drifting is 6 kilometers. Ximen gorge belongs to Wanrong river drainage basin. Along the way, cliffs can be seen here and there. All kinds of trees are flourishing. Water is clean. Riffles, dangerous shoals are all around. Overall, there are more than 30 dangerous shoals. Qinglong shoal is the most famous one, which has a overall length of 400 meters. Qinglong shoal and Longway shoal are called the classics in drifting with China.

Ximen gorge drifting area is divided by a river. In the left area, Miao people live there and Han people live in the right area. Along the river, many relics and historical sites are there. It is also the location of many famous movies and television plays, like Putting Down Bandits in Wulong Mountain.

All in all, The stimulating degree and cultural atmosphere make Ximen gorge drifting irreplaceable.

Translated by Becky

Keyword:Ximen Gorge Drifting
