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Xiangxi Guzhang Xifeng Lake
2016-12-21 11:06:19  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Xiangxi Xifeng lake scenic area is located in the ancient cultural Guzhang county. In 1993, it has the approval for lake scenic area by hunan provincial government. With a total area of 431 square kilometers, the outside of xifeng lake is wide, and the inner lake is circuitous. It has the rich layers, peculiar landform, and ancient and magical ethnic culture and historical sites.

Xifeng lake is the largest unitary man-made lake, covering an area of about 167 square kilometers. The average water depth is 30 meters, with dotted island, twisted shoreline. Especially in summer, the lake is full of cool wind, a pleasant climate.

Translated by Sophia

Keyword:Guzhang Xifeng Lake
