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Zhangjiajie Tour-Lost Pandora World on Earth!
2016-12-20 17:43:39  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  


1.The longest cable car in the world-Tianmen Cable Car;

2.The longest glass bridge in the world-Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon;

3.The most fast mountain Elevator in the world-Bailong Elevator;

4.Zhangjiajie Geopark was listed as a UNESCO Global Geopark;

5.Enjoy the floating Hallelujah Mountains seen in the Avatar film;

6.The longest rafting in Asia-Mengdong River Rafting;

7.The most beautiful town in China-Fenghuang Ancient Town;

8.The most dangerous road on the cliff-Tianmen Heaven Road;

9.The most mysterious minorities' culture in China.

Travel in Zhangjiajie, you will be deeply attracted to its thousands of quartz sandstone mountains.

Travel in Zhangjiajie, you will be immersed in its magnificent sceneries.

Travel in Zhangjiajie, seems you are traveling in a real Pandora world!

Sunshine comes after rain, mountains floating upon the sea of clouds, every single mountain gets a life.

When you stand on the top of the floating mountain, looking down all the mountains, you will be deep in thought: is it a real world?

Zhangjiajie is the pandora world hiding in our world, it is the huge enlarge of the IMAX movie Avatar, it is the fairyland you awaited. When you're in this fairyland, maybe you can find thousands of floating mountains, colorful rainforest, fantasy creatures, maybe the blue skin Nahavi people are riding their dragons among the mountains.

Thanks,looking forward to seeing you in Zhangjiajie.

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線上服務(On-line QQ):QQ345395505 852224124 455415132;

線上微信(On-line Wechat):ZJJONINE;

線上交流(On-line Skype ):SHUIRE2;

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線上電話(Phone No):(+86) 0744-8362222 8298777;



Company:Zhangjiajie-XZL-International Travel Service Co., Ltd


Address:Zhangjiajie City Gaoshengliyuan Building14-23B03

Keyword:Zhangjiajie tour
