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Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge will be opened,Skywalk fee 138 yuan
2016-12-20 17:30:38  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

On February 29th, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge global submission stage name activity ended, which has received real-name registration effective drafts to nearly 120,000.

Zhangjiajie gave an award “The grand canyon glass bridge construction participants” lifelong honorary title to all authors. The personal identity information can be put into intelligent management system of scenic spots, can directly brush ID to unlimited free visit scenic spots and glass bridge.

Zhangjiajie grand canyon glass bridge has “Ten most of the world”. The last of the bridge deck is now on the glass installation, every other affiliated facilities in stepping up the construction, it is expected to open “5.1” during trial operation.

Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Ticket information as follow:

Entrance fee:118 yuan

Skywalk fee:138 yuan

Translated by Sophia

Keyword:Tourism inquiry & Travel advisory
