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What is the best way to travel by bus from Jingzhou to Zhangjiajie?
2016-12-20 17:30:28  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Answer:From Jingzhou, There is no direct bus or train to Zhangjiajie.If you want to take a bus, you need to take a bus for Wuhan in about 3.5 hours, then tran to Changsha in about 2 to 3 hours and the last for Zhangjiajie in about four hours’ bus journey. If you travel with other people, it is suggested to hire a car together to go to Zhangjiajie, it takes about four hours and thirty minutes.Also we can make a choice for 2 buses: 1. Jingzhou to Changde, almost 4 hours, 4 buses in the morning. 2. Changde to Zhangjiajie, 2 hours’ bus journey.

By shuire team

Keyword:Tourism inquiry & Travel advisory
