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Zhangjiajie to Guilin by train
2016-12-20 17:29:54  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Zhangjiajie to Liuzhou

1,Zhangjiajie to Liuzhou(Train NO:1808) Time: 07:08AM(Zhangjiajie)-21:07PM(Liuzhou)
2,Zhangjiajie to Liuzhou(Train NO:2011) Time: 17:46PM(Zhangjiajie)-04:19AM(Liuzhou)
3,Zhangjiajie to Liuzhou(Train NO:1473) Time: 18:10AM(Zhangjiajie)-04:39AM(Liuzhou)

Liuzhou to Guilin (Many trains, very convenient,Recommend 3 trains for you)

1,Liuzhou to Guilin (Train NO:K182)  Time: 08:48AM(Liuzhou) -12:05PM(Guilin)
2,Liuzhou to Guilin (Train NO:T6)    Time: 11:15AM(Liuzhou) -13:19AM(Guilin)
3,Liuzhou to Guilin (Train NO:1558)  Time: 21:54PM(Liuzhou) -00:35AM(Guilin) 

Keyword:Tourism inquiry & Travel advisory
