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How far Changsha to Zhangjiajie? What transport?
2016-12-20 17:24:47  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

1.Rent a car to pick up:
Changsha to Zhangjiajie, A distance of about 380 km. we rent a car with driver for you,About 4-5 hours one-way time.

2.Regular bus
By airport bus to Changsha bus station(Changsha West Bus Station OR Changsha East Bus Station)
By Regular bus to Zhangjiajie city(130RMB/per for one way trip,About 4-5 hours one-way time) We recommend Changsha West Bus Station.

3.By train to Zhangjiajie city
By airport bus to Changsha Railway Station(The same for Changsha East Bus Station)
By train to Zhangjiajie city(About 6 hours one-way time)We recommend TRAIN NO:K9024/K9025 or K533/K536.In the middle of the night.Hard Sleeper Cost of about 100RMB per person.Next morning you will get zhangjaijie city.

4.You can directly fly to Zhangjiajie
Changsha to Zhangjiajie Just one flight at night.

Keyword:Tourism inquiry & Travel advisory
