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What's the difference between Tangyuan and Yuanxiao?
2016-12-20 17:24:46  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

Even in China, many Chinese people consider them to be the same food, but they are different certainty.

The difference between Tangyuan and Yuanxiao:

The difference between Tangyuan and Yuanxiao is the way they are made and cooked.  This is because that Chinese in different geographic areas prepare the food in different ways.

Most Southerners eat and make Tangyuan, its making way like making jiaozi [dumplings, they use wet flour wrappers to fold around a filling.Most southerners like briny taste food, so that the  filling usually use meat filling.

Most Northerners eat and make Yuanxiao, its make way is contrary.  Northerners always make filling first,  and use the filling roll on the flour.Most northerners like sweet taste food, so that the  filling usually use bean paste filling.

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