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Zhangjiajie XZL Conference Reception Center
2017-02-22 17:03:00  Zhangjiajie(XZL)International Travel Service  

Zhangjiajie Express Conferences & Exhibition Co., Ltd. It was established in September 28, 2003,The best one of  conference services company. Over the years, it successfully held in Hunan Province, many international and domestic conferences.Also, We set up a special meeting of tourist reception travel: Hunan - XZL- International Conference Travel Service. We warmly welcome you, holding various forms of business, conference in Zhangjiajie. we will serve you sincerely. We promise: If we have a cooperation, then we will be friends forever.Welcome to the World Natural Heritage!

Reception Examples:


We will do all to work for you 7*24:

1.Package tour

2.Language speaking guide service

3.Rental car/vehicle/bus service

4.Hotel booking

5.Tickets booking(Airway,Railway,Bus,Attraction,Cableway,etc.)

6.Transfer from/to airport

7.VIP business tour

8.Shopping tour

9.Documents translation


聯繫我們(Contact us):

線上郵箱(On-line Email)

線上服務(On-line QQ):QQ345395505  852224124  455415132

線上微信(On-line Wechat):ZJJonine;13707445500.

線上交流(On-line Skype ):SHUIRE2

線上交流(On-line Facebook )

線上電話(Phone No):(+86) 744-8362222 8298777


Company:Zhangjiajie Express Conferences & Exhibition Co., Ltd

Address: Block A2-2116#,Guihua Garden,Yongding District, Zhangjiajie city.


Keyword:Zhangjiajie travel agency
