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Bai Marriage Customs-Washing Friendly Face
2016-12-20 16:49:31  Zhangjiajie Tourism Information Website  

In Zhangjiajie, Bai young men and women newly married during the first three days must wash friendly face. On the first morning, marry elders of the woman sends a pot of water, soakes the face towels, lets married couple each person take one side to wash hands, wishing their marriage family is warm. The second day early in the morning, the groom’s parents scoop a pot of warm water, married couple share one towel to wash face, thus showing the expectations of the groom’s parents. On the third day early morning, the married couple scoop a pot of water, help each other to wash face, in order to show consideration.

Since then, in case of a little contradiction, recalling the scene of washing face, namely reconciliation.

Translated by Sophia

Keyword:Folklore & Culture & Customs
